Guide: How to make your annual report accessible?

The annual report is a strategically important document as it presents the financial status of the company to various stakeholders. It should be accessible to all, including individuals with disabilities. 

Download our guide to make your company's annual report accessible. 

annual report

Download the guide


In this guide, you will find: 

Laws and regulations on digital accessibility

The importance of digital accessibility

The 5 steps to make your annual report accessible in PDF format

A detailed methodology

DocAxess' support in ensuring the compliance of your annual report

A specific example of an accessible annual report

Who are we?

DocAxess is a start-up born in 2020. Our mission is to facilitate the accessibility of PDFs and all office documents for businesses. We work with a unique goal: to eliminate all discrimination in accessing information for all users, including people with disabilities. DocAxess has developed cutting-edge technology based on powerful AI to save time and increase productivity. 

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